Changes to the login feature

User authentication changes with TruckTool 4.0

With TruckTool 4.0, a new authentication platform will be taken into use, and the old authentication scheme will be retired. The old authentication mechanism will remain functional for older TruckTool releases for a yet unspecified transition period ranging from one month to a year or more. The new authentication scheme can be used with the existing credentials for TruckTool.

Note! When using the new authentication platform for the first time signing up is needed. Specific instructions can be found here.

Login changes

In place of a single login function in TruckTool, the software will now have 2 methods for authentication: online (picture 1) and offline (picture 2). The switching between the methods happens through a toggle button in the login dialog (picture 2, arrow). The login dialog is opened when a user opens TruckTool. Please see more information on offline login from the "Logout changes" header below.

The online login page can also be opened to a new window in a browser. This is done by clicking the link "Open login window in a browser" in the online login dialog ( picture 1, lower arrow ).

Logout changes

For TruckTool 4.0 version, the logout function is changed with regard to the storing of offline access to the software. As the login function is now done with the new authentication platform, TruckTool itself will no longer store the password on the workstation for the offline login function automatically.

If you want to use TruckTool without an internet connection, you will have to specify an "offline" password when logging out (picture 3). The offline password is saved by selecting the checkbox “Save credentials for offline use”. The wanted password is then typed on the corresponding text field and saved for offline login use with your e-mail.

Based on the preference, the offline password may or may not be the same password as is used with the online login. There is no change to the time with which TruckTool can be used in offline connection: it remains at 60 days.

Changing the password

For TruckTool 4.0 and newer, the password retrieval functionality will be moved from TruckTool-Online site to the one provided by the new authentication platform. The retrieval functionality will be available through "Reset password" link (picture 1, upper arrow).

TruckTool Online login view Picture 1: Online login view
TruckTool Offline login view Picture 2: Offline login view
TruckTool saving Offline login information Picture 3: Saving offline login credentials